I must say, I was a bit skeptical at first about a two hour soccer camp for the young ones. It took Piper a little while on the first day to get involved. She was a bit shy and hesitant. I had to get out on the field with her to encourage her to play some of the games, but I didn't mind that. I was not into yelling and threatening her to get out there, and especially not when it was so hot. Her coach was very patient with her reluctance and welcomed her whenever she returned to the group. I was also impressed by the amount of silly games her coach knew to get the kids practicing skills they didn't realize they were acquiring. Here is Piper playing the game "Austin Powers". Imagine her yelling "Groovy Baby, Yeah!" and then dashing off to avoid being hit by Dr. Evil's lasers. (I might add that this game was also very popular with the older kids as well. Now Charlotte and Finn want to see the movie!)

Piper has become Dr. Evil and is now firing lasers...

Piper's coach was pretty smitten with her...

For the older kids, skill building happened the first two hours followed by scrimmage games the last hour. At the beginning of the week, the kids were divided into four person teams named after a country. All week, the teams would earn points for winning games, showing a good attitude and sportsmanship.

On the last day of camp, teams brought home-made flags of their country, painted their faces and competed for THE WORLD CUP. Here, Charlotte's team, Guam, plays against Finn's team, Germany. (Charlotte is in the bright green tank center and Finn is in the white t-shirt second to the right.)

Finn's team won THE WORLD CUP! Here, they raise the CUP in victory...

Finn and his coach...

Charlotte and her coach...

It was a good week despite the heat. The kids were tired, but ready for more the next day. They all want to do it again next year. One week off, and our regular soccer season starts up. We're rarin' to go!
Location:Ashland, Wisconsin