To our surprise, The Eastern Tiger Swallowtails were out and about fluttering all over the beach.
Great to sneak up on...
and catch!
Finn was fascinated by this really cool bug.
It looked like a large ant with wings, but it couldn't fly. It was scurrying around in the sand making these tiny little trails with it's body. It would try climbing these little mounds and drifts of sand, only to fall back down. After a few minutes of watching trial and error, Finn and Piper decided to help the bug by making flat trails for it to crawl in. My little bug helpers.
After our day at the beach, we came home to hang our beach towels on the line, only to discover our first fully bloomed out Lupine. A beauty.

Just a sample of one day on Siskiwit. Welcome to my blog, and I look forward to sharing more with everyone.