Before we headed up, the trail stopped at the lake's edge where canoeists exit for the Portage between the lakes. It was a beautiful sandy beach. Unfortunately, we didn't stop, or the kids would have lost their steam. We pressed on.

Along the way, we stopped and observed many fascinating rocks. This was a cool one, with round pieces of quartz all stuck together, along with some other minerals.

I didn't think we would see any signs of Moose up this far North. The terrain was high and rocky, and I always assumed Moose preferred low and marshy areas, but we found several Moose tracks. This was the best example next to Finn's hand.

We think this may be a Moose scraping his antlers on the tree.

Definitely Moose Poop. It's bigger than the deer droppings we are so used to seeing around our house.

A very large tree that was begging to be hugged.

Happy to make it to the top!

Jamie took this picture. I love that the leaf's shadow is green.

A huge boulder left behind from the Glacial Melt down.

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