Dad and I operated the wood splitter. Charlotte was our loader and hauler. Just look at those muscles!!! She was totally AWESOME!!! She never complained once. Maybe Gramma's offer of $2.00 an hour was a good incentive. She earned it for sure!

Or, perhaps she is growing up and knows how important her help is to the family. We just finished reading "The Birchbark House" and Charlotte was amazed at what Omakayas, an eight year old Ojibway girl had to do to contribute to the survival of her family. She was chopping the wood. Hmmm. I think she is taking her part to heart.

Mom was the stacker of wood. She filled our entire wood shed with all the chopped wood.

Once the shed was finished, mom and Charlotte came up to the road and stacked more wood! We now have more than we need. Mission accomplished.

Piper is clearly tired. And hungry. She wants Finn to come back from a birthday party so we can go to Hugo's for Pizza.

All in a day's work.
That's my girls. I love the hard work you guys do. Charlotte I am so proud of you. Love Dad!