It's the perfect time to come up to Northern Wisconsin. The leaves are at their peak this weekend. My mom and I were talking about their drive up Friday night. She said just as they were making their way down highway 13 along Lake Superior, the sun began to set, and the trees began to "glow." It's true. We have a beautiful view of this each night as dusk falls. The trees begin to glow.

Today, the kids, Strider and I took gramma and grampa on a nice hike to a beautiful waterfall called Lost Creek Falls.

We found out about the falls from some neighbors a couple of years ago. It's tricky to find. You need good directions to the trailhead, and you need to know where to turn off of the main trail to get down to the falls. When the ground is covered with leaves, it's a hard little trail to find. But once you get there... Oohhh la la....

We were there for only a few minutes when a couple with two dogs and a camera arrived. Minutes later, three more people with a camera and tripod also showed up. It was a popular photography site today. So, while the professionals clicked away, the kids played on the rocks and logs below the falls. They were really patient.

OK. Enough is enough now. We need a waterfall picture.

And a boy and his dog.

And just a beautiful boy.

Oh, and the mushroom he found in a hollow stump. He took this photo...

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Looks like you had an incredible day wish I could have been there. Tell your mom and dad thanks for being there while I was gone. It is great to have grand parents that help out.